
West Green Road

The scheme proposes the redevelopment a former Care Home, Church and retention of a locally listed Public House Building to create a mixed-use scheme of 88 residential dwellings, Church and associated uses over 4- 6 storeys.

The proposal on a large triangular site is arranged around 3 residential blocks creating new routes through the site and entrances to the Stanley Culross Park to the rear. The existing locally listed public house building is to be totally refurbished to house the relocated Church and their associated facilities including a nursery at ground floor level.

The materials palette aims to complement the local area which is largely characterised by brick. The massing is articulated with north facing winter gardens fronting the busy West Green Road whereas the southern and eastern facing dwelling have large balconies overlooking the park.

The Proposal also provides an opportunity to upgrade and add to Stanley Culross Park which was identified through our consultation as a real benefit to the local community and the council.

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+44 (0)20 7367 6831